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Streaming Flight of the Red Balloon 2007 Film complet français

Movies Detail of Flight of the Red Balloon (2007)

✓ Title : Flight of the Red Balloon
✓ Original Title : Le Voyage du ballon rouge
✓ Release Date : May 17th, 2007
✓ Genres : Family, Drama
✓ Runtime : 117 minutes
✓ Director : Hou Hsiao-hsien
✓ Writers : Hou Hsiao-hsien, François Margolin
✓ Companies : 3H Productions, Margo Films, Les Films du Lendemain, CinéCinéma, Sofica Poste Image, Région Ile-de-France, Soficinéma 3, Canal+, ARTE France Cinéma, Musée d'Orsay
✓ Countries : France, Taiwan
✓ Cast : Louise Margolin, Flore Vannier-Moreau, Simon Iteanu, Song Fang, Anna Sigalevitch, Juliette Binoche, Hippolyte Girardot

Synopsis of Flight of the Red Balloon (2007)

The first part in a new series of films produced by Musée d'Orsay, 'Flight of the Red Balloon' tells the story of a French family as seen through the eyes of a Chinese student. The film was shot in August and September 2006 on location in Paris. This is Hou Hsiao-Hsien's first Western film. It is based on the classic French short The Red Balloon directed by Albert Lamorisse.

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Well, Flight of the Red Balloon (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Flight of the Red Balloon (2007) itselft directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien and Starring by Louise Margolin, Flore Vannier-Moreau, Simon Iteanu, Song Fang, Anna Sigalevitch, Juliette Binoche, Hippolyte Girardot which made Flight of the Red Balloon (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Flight of the Red Balloon (2007)

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