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Movies Detail of The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son (2015)

✓ Title : The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son
✓ Release Date : November 25th, 2015
✓ Genres : Documentary, Drama
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Iglika Triffonova
✓ Writer : Iglika Triffonova
✓ Companies : Klas Film, Filmlance International, Phanta Film
✓ Countries : Bulgaria, Netherlands, Sweden
✓ Cast : Romane Bohringer, Krassimir Dokov, Nermina Lukač, Igor Škvarica, Izudin Bajrović, Samuel Fröler, Ovanes Torosian, Labina Mitevska

Synopsis of The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son (2015)

The Hague, The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Two ambitious lawyers face each other in the trial of Milorad Krstić, who’s accused of committing war crimes as a commander in the Bosnian war. The defender, Mikhail Finn, has managed to refute all the accusations against his client. Convinced of Krstic´s guilt, Catherine Lagrange, the prosecutor, summons a young man with incriminating evidence against Krstić. He claims to have been abandoned by his parents as a child and to have been one of Krstić’s soldiers. Defender Finn starts to investigate in order to verify the witness’ testimony – and soon encounters the young man’s family. Inspired by a true story.

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Well, The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son (2015) itselft directed by Iglika Triffonova and Starring by Romane Bohringer, Krassimir Dokov, Nermina Lukač, Igor Škvarica, Izudin Bajrović, Samuel Fröler, Ovanes Torosian, Labina Mitevska which made The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Prosecutor, The Defender, The Father and his Son (2015)

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