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Movies Detail of The System (2014)

✓ Title : The System
✓ Release Date : May 30th, 2014
✓ Genres : Action, Drama, Crime
✓ Runtime : 142 minutes
✓ Director : Shahzad Ghufoor
✓ Writer : Wajid Zubairi
✓ Company : Leos Productions
✓ Country : Pakistan
✓ Cast : Sufian Bhatti, Sheraz Ghufoor, Mariyam Ali Hussiain, Nayyar Ejaz, Ejaz Hussain Bugti, Kashaf Ali, Shafqat Cheema, Rabia Tabassum, Nadeem Beyg, Irfan Khoosat

Synopsis of The System (2014)

Haider gets hooked by the local SHO in a mob firing case. Ultimately after getting away with this case, Haider´s life takes a drastic change. Haider now sees the bigger and bitter picture of the current system, and how it affects everybody. He decides to do something about this system, and in the process, his education, family, friends and love are at stake

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Well, The System (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The System (2014) itselft directed by Shahzad Ghufoor and Starring by Sufian Bhatti, Sheraz Ghufoor, Mariyam Ali Hussiain, Nayyar Ejaz, Ejaz Hussain Bugti, Kashaf Ali, Shafqat Cheema, Rabia Tabassum, Nadeem Beyg, Irfan Khoosat which made The System (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The System (2014)

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Movie Quotes The System - Literature that is rooted in, inspired by, or that in some way draws from the tropes, themes and symbolism of myth, folklore, and fairy tales. The term is widely credited to Charles de Lint and Terri Windling. Mythic fiction overlaps with urban fantasy and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but mythic fiction also includes contemporary works in non-urban settings. Mythic fiction refers to works of contemporary literature that often cross the divide between literary and fantasy fiction.

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The System Pelicula Completa Filtrada En Español Latino Cinetux - A story about a real person or event. Often, they are written in a text book format, which may or may not focus on solely that.

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The System Stream German - A story about a monster, creature or mutant that terrorizes people. Usually, it fits into the horror genre, for instance, Mary Shelleys novel Frankenstein. Shelleys Frankenstein is often also considered the first science fiction story (biological science reanimating the dead), but it does present a monstrous "creature". Other clear Monster stories are of the creatures of the Vampire, the Ghoul, the Werewolf, the Zombie, etc. Beings such as that depicted in Karloffs The Mummy would also qualify.

The System Film Za Darmo - A mystery story follows an investigator as they attempt to solve a puzzle (often a crime). The details and clues are presented as the story continues and the protagonist discovers them and by the end of the story the mystery/puzzle is solved. For example, in the case of a crime mystery the perpetrator and motive behind the crime are revealed and the perpetrator is brought to justice. Mystery novels are often written in series, which facilitates a more in-depth development of the primary investigator. Specific types of mystery story include locked room mysteries and cozy mysteries.

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Ver The System Pelicula Filtrada En Español Latino - A story that mocks or satirizes other genres, people, fictional characters or works. Such works employ sarcasm, stereotyping, mockery of scenes, symbols or lines from other works, and the obviousness of meaning in a characters actions. Such stories may be "affectionate parodies" meant to entertain those familiar with the references of the parody, or they may be intended to undercut the respectability of the original inspiration for the parody by pointing out its flaws (the latter being closer to satire).

The System Trailer Legendado - A subgenre of fantasy, set in the present day. These are used to describe stories set in the putative real world (often referred to as consensus reality) in contemporary times, in which magic and magical creatures exist, either living in the interstices of our world or leaking over from alternate worlds.

The System Full Movie On - The genre historical fiction includes stories that are about the past. To distinguish historical fiction from any fiction that is written about an era in the past, the criteria that the book must have been written about a time that occurred in a historical context in relation to the author of the book. The criteria that the story be set before the middle of the previous century is sometimes added. Historical fiction stories include historical details and includes characters that fit into the time period of the setting, whether or not they are real historical people.

The System Película Ufilm - relates to the pre-digital, cultural period of 2014, including mid-century Modernism, the "Atomic Age", the "Space Age", Communism and paranoia in the US along with Soviet styling, underground cinema, Googie architecture, space and the Sputnik, moon landing, superhero-comics, art and radioactivity, the rise of the US military/industrial complex and the fall-out of Chernobyl. Communist analog atompunk is an ultimate lost world. The Fallout series of computer games is an excellent example of atompunk.

The System Story Details - A film which satirizes the manners and affectations of a social class, often represented by stock characters. The plot of the comedy is often concerned with an illicit love affair or some other scandal, but is generally less important than its witty dialogue. This form of comedy has a long ancestry, dating back at least as far as Shakespeares Much Ado about Nothing.

Estreno De La Pelicula The System - A fantasy genre originated from Japan in which either the protagonist is sent or reincarnated with knowledge and memories from original world to usually a RPG video game fantasy world or playing a Virtual Reality MMORPG.

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