Movies Detail of Elze's Life (2000)
✓ Title : Elze's Life
✓ Original Title : Elzė iš Gilijos
✓ Release Date : April 7th, 2000
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Algimantas Puipa
✓ Writers : Vytautas Žalakevičius, Ernst Wiechert
✓ Company : Lithuanian Film Studio
✓ Country : Lithuania
✓ Cast : Arvydas Lebeliūnas, Kostas Smoriginas, Andrius Paulavičius, Janina Lapinskaitė, Vytautas Tomkus, Antanas Šurna, Eglė Jaselskytė
✓ Original Title : Elzė iš Gilijos
✓ Release Date : April 7th, 2000
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Algimantas Puipa
✓ Writers : Vytautas Žalakevičius, Ernst Wiechert
✓ Company : Lithuanian Film Studio
✓ Country : Lithuania
✓ Cast : Arvydas Lebeliūnas, Kostas Smoriginas, Andrius Paulavičius, Janina Lapinskaitė, Vytautas Tomkus, Antanas Šurna, Eglė Jaselskytė
Synopsis of Elze's Life (2000)
At the end of the 19th century, proud but poor fisherman Jurgaitis gets imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. His beautiful daughter Elze is sent to live with rich German merchant Michael. There she falls for his son Endrik.
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Well, Elze's Life (2000) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Elze's Life (2000) itselft directed by Algimantas Puipa and Starring by Arvydas Lebeliūnas, Kostas Smoriginas, Andrius Paulavičius, Janina Lapinskaitė, Vytautas Tomkus, Antanas Šurna, Eglė Jaselskytė which made Elze's Life (2000) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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