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VER.Pelicula The Corsairs (1971) en Español Completa

Movies Detail of The Corsairs (1971)

✓ Title : The Corsairs
✓ Original Title : Los corsarios
✓ Release Date : July 1st, 1971
✓ Genres : Adventure, Action, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 102 minutes
✓ Director : Ferdinando Baldi
✓ Writers : Mario Di Nardo, Mario Di Nardo, Federico De Urrutia, Federico De Urrutia
✓ Companies : Società Ambrosiana Cinematografica (SAC), Ízaro Films
✓ Countries : Italy, Spain
✓ Cast : Dean Reed, Tito García, Paca Gabaldón, Paolo Gozlino, Alberto de Mendoza, Tomás Blanco, Pedro Luis Lozano, Florinda Chico, Annabella Incontrera, Salvatore Borgese

Synopsis of The Corsairs (1971)

After the death of her father, the viceroy of a small Caribean island, the beautiful young Isabella is in a big danger. The crafty duke of Burt wants to grab the power on the isle so he decides to eliminate her. Fortunately then comes a group of pirates stranded after a shipwreck. Their leader is the brave and bold Alan Drake. The pirates are hired to protect Isabella and the adventure begins.

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Well, The Corsairs (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Corsairs (1971) itselft directed by Ferdinando Baldi and Starring by Dean Reed, Tito García, Paca Gabaldón, Paolo Gozlino, Alberto de Mendoza, Tomás Blanco, Pedro Luis Lozano, Florinda Chico, Annabella Incontrera, Salvatore Borgese which made The Corsairs (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Corsairs (1971)

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