Movies Detail of Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver (1992)
✓ Title : Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver
✓ Original Title : Gharam Wa-Intiqam... Bis-Satur
✓ Release Date : April 20th, 1992
✓ Genres : Comedy, Horror
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Directors : Mohammed Shebl, Hossam Fayad, Mahmoud El Kholy, Kamal Nour
✓ Writer : Mohammed Shebl
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Farouk Al-Fishawy, Essad Youniss, Samir Ghanem
✓ Original Title : Gharam Wa-Intiqam... Bis-Satur
✓ Release Date : April 20th, 1992
✓ Genres : Comedy, Horror
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Directors : Mohammed Shebl, Hossam Fayad, Mahmoud El Kholy, Kamal Nour
✓ Writer : Mohammed Shebl
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Farouk Al-Fishawy, Essad Youniss, Samir Ghanem
Synopsis of Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver (1992)
The director's final work prior to his early death to chronic liver disease was this gleefully ghoulish horror comedy, which imparted the following straightforward moral: if you smother your wife to death with a bowl of porridge and bury her remains in a shallow grave, purely in order to start a new life with your mistress - then don't be too surprised if your wife returns and is more than a little angry about the situation! Like Shabl's two previous features, the film was released theatrically before also becoming a minor hit on home video.
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Well, Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver (1992) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver (1992) itselft directed by Mohammed Shebl, Hossam Fayad, Mahmoud El Kholy, Kamal Nour and Starring by Farouk Al-Fishawy, Essad Youniss, Samir Ghanem which made Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver (1992) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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