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Streaming Trapped: Haitian Nights 2011 Bluray x264

Movies Detail of Trapped: Haitian Nights (2011)

✓ Title : Trapped: Haitian Nights
✓ Release Date : February 8th, 2011
✓ Genre : Thriller
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Director : Jean-Claude La Marre
✓ Writers : Jean-Claude La Marre, Johnny Desarmes, Marc Cayce, Thamara Lamarre
✓ Country : Haiti
✓ Cast : Clifton Powell, Lena D'Amour, Miguel A. Núñez, Jr., Obba Babatundé, Leslie Augustine, Kenya Moore, Vivica A. Fox, Jean-Claude La Marre, Amber Boone, Rudolph Moise

Synopsis of Trapped: Haitian Nights (2011)

When Nadine Lazard (Kenya Moore), wife of Richard Lazard (Rudulph Moise), comes up missing, the focus immediately turns on her husband, a prominent Haitian doctor. The plot thickens when Violet Martin (vivica A. Fox), a beautiful detective assigned to the case, is led to believe that Nadine was the victim of a powerful Haitian Voodoo priest (Obba Babatunde). But nothing is as it seems in this complex psychological thriller that delves into the dark world of Voodoo, deception, and the fragility of the mind. Clifton Powell, Miguel Nunez Jr., and Jean Claude LaMarre costar.

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Well, Trapped: Haitian Nights (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Trapped: Haitian Nights (2011) itselft directed by Jean-Claude La Marre and Starring by Clifton Powell, Lena D'Amour, Miguel A. Núñez, Jr., Obba Babatundé, Leslie Augustine, Kenya Moore, Vivica A. Fox, Jean-Claude La Marre, Amber Boone, Rudolph Moise which made Trapped: Haitian Nights (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Trapped: Haitian Nights (2011)

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