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Streaming She No Longer Talks, She Shoots 1972 Bluray x264

Movies Detail of She No Longer Talks, She Shoots (1972)

✓ Title : She No Longer Talks, She Shoots
✓ Original Title : Elle cause plus, elle flingue !
✓ Release Date : August 23rd, 1972
✓ Genres : Comedy, Crime
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Director : Michel Audiard
✓ Writers : Michel Audiard, Jean-Marie Poiré
✓ Companies : Les Films de la Boétie, Rizzoli Film
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Bernard Blier, Henri Attal, Jean Carmet, Annie Girardot, Darry Cowl, Catherine Samie, Charles Southwood, Maurice Biraud, Roger Carel, André Pousse

Synopsis of She No Longer Talks, She Shoots (1972)

Rosemonde, hailed as "the Princess" reign over a slum in the Paris suburbs. Herbert, a reporter who came to investigate on the pollution, ends up in a grinding machine of her invention. Rosemonde resells the bones to the church authorities who use them as holy relics. Inspector Adrian Bondu is handling the case... But a young hippie who looks like Jesus will have Rosemonde suddenly feel very earthly feelings...

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Well, She No Longer Talks, She Shoots (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The She No Longer Talks, She Shoots (1972) itselft directed by Michel Audiard and Starring by Bernard Blier, Henri Attal, Jean Carmet, Annie Girardot, Darry Cowl, Catherine Samie, Charles Southwood, Maurice Biraud, Roger Carel, André Pousse which made She No Longer Talks, She Shoots (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

She No Longer Talks, She Shoots (1972)

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