Movies Detail of Shinbone Alley (1970)
✓ Title : Shinbone Alley
✓ Release Date : June 26th, 1970
✓ Genres : Animation, Music
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : John Wilson
✓ Writers : Mel Brooks, Joe Darion, Joe Darion, Don Marquis
✓ Company : Fine Arts Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : John Carradine, Ken Sansom, Sal Delano, Eddie Bracken, Alan Reed, Byron Kane, Hal Smith, Carol Channing, Joan Gerber
✓ Release Date : June 26th, 1970
✓ Genres : Animation, Music
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : John Wilson
✓ Writers : Mel Brooks, Joe Darion, Joe Darion, Don Marquis
✓ Company : Fine Arts Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : John Carradine, Ken Sansom, Sal Delano, Eddie Bracken, Alan Reed, Byron Kane, Hal Smith, Carol Channing, Joan Gerber
Synopsis of Shinbone Alley (1970)
Join the fun and laugh along with the "misadventures" of Archy the cockroach, a poet in his former life now having to jump on his typewriter keys to peck out his poems. Archie adores the huge-eyed, blonde, hip-swaying Mehitabel the Cat, and along with a colorful cast of characters, they embark on an animated, musical treat the whole family will love!
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Well, Shinbone Alley (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Shinbone Alley (1970) itselft directed by John Wilson and Starring by John Carradine, Ken Sansom, Sal Delano, Eddie Bracken, Alan Reed, Byron Kane, Hal Smith, Carol Channing, Joan Gerber which made Shinbone Alley (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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