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Streaming A Girl in Summer 1986 Film complet 1080p Télécharger

Movies Detail of A Girl in Summer (1986)

✓ Title : A Girl in Summer
✓ Original Title : Uma Rapariga no Verão
✓ Release Date : December 11th, 1986
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Directors : Pedro Costa, Vítor Gonçalves
✓ Writer : Vítor Gonçalves
✓ Company : Tropico Filmes
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Rui Reininho, Virgílio Castelo, Joaquim Leitão, Jorge Silva Melo, Luís Filipe Costa, José Manuel Mendes, Isabel Galhardo, Diogo Dória, João Perry

Synopsis of A Girl in Summer (1986)

It is the end of summer and Isabel is a relationship with Diogo. She don't quite know what she wants from her life going forward as her father gets sick.

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Well, A Girl in Summer (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Girl in Summer (1986) itselft directed by Pedro Costa, Vítor Gonçalves and Starring by Rui Reininho, Virgílio Castelo, Joaquim Leitão, Jorge Silva Melo, Luís Filipe Costa, José Manuel Mendes, Isabel Galhardo, Diogo Dória, João Perry which made A Girl in Summer (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Girl in Summer (1986)

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