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Movies Detail of The Children of Sanchez (1978)

✓ Title : The Children of Sanchez
✓ Release Date : June 16th, 1978
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 126 minutes
✓ Director : Hall Bartlett
✓ Writers : Cesare Zavattini, Hall Bartlett, Oscar Lewis
✓ Companies : Carmel Enterprises, Corporación Nacional Cinematográfica (CONACINE), Hall Bartlett Productions
✓ Countries : United States of America, Mexico
✓ Cast : Duncan Quinn, Lucía Méndez, Katy Jurado, Stathis Giallelis, Anthony Quinn, Patricia Aspíllaga, Dolores del Río, Héctor Bonilla, Lupita Ferrer, Patricia Reyes Spíndola

Synopsis of The Children of Sanchez (1978)

Hall Bartlett directs the rural drama The Children of Sanchez, based on the tome The Children of Sanchez: Autobiography of a Mexican Family written by Oscar Lewis in the '60s. Anthony Quinn stars as the widowed Jesus Sanchez, a poor farmer struggling to provide for his family in Mexico City. Also starring Lupita Ferrer as Consuelo and Stathis Giallelis as Roberto. This is the last film in the 50-year career of international star Dolores del Rio, who plays the Grandma. Jazz-pop performer Chuck Mangione was nominated for a Golden Globe and won a Grammy award for his original musical score.

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Well, The Children of Sanchez (1978) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Children of Sanchez (1978) itselft directed by Hall Bartlett and Starring by Duncan Quinn, Lucía Méndez, Katy Jurado, Stathis Giallelis, Anthony Quinn, Patricia Aspíllaga, Dolores del Río, Héctor Bonilla, Lupita Ferrer, Patricia Reyes Spíndola which made The Children of Sanchez (1978) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Children of Sanchez (1978)

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