Movies Detail of Martin Eden (2019)
✓ Title : Martin Eden
✓ Release Date : September 4th, 2019
✓ Genres : History, Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 125 minutes
✓ Director : Pietro Marcello
✓ Writers : Maurizio Braucci, Jack London, Pietro Marcello
✓ Companies : Avventurosa, IBC MOvie, The Match Factory, Shellac Sud, Rai Cinema, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, 01 Distribution, ARTE, CNC, Regione Campania, Film Commission Regione Campania, Regione Lazio, L'Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM), Bayerischer Rundfunk
✓ Countries : France, Germany, Italy
✓ Cast : Vincenzo Nemolato, Elisabetta Valgoi, Jessica Cressy, Carlo Cecchi, Rinat Khismatouline, Pietro Ragusa, Aniello Arena, Chiara Francini, Luca Marinelli, Marco Leonardi
✓ Release Date : September 4th, 2019
✓ Genres : History, Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 125 minutes
✓ Director : Pietro Marcello
✓ Writers : Maurizio Braucci, Jack London, Pietro Marcello
✓ Companies : Avventurosa, IBC MOvie, The Match Factory, Shellac Sud, Rai Cinema, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, 01 Distribution, ARTE, CNC, Regione Campania, Film Commission Regione Campania, Regione Lazio, L'Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM), Bayerischer Rundfunk
✓ Countries : France, Germany, Italy
✓ Cast : Vincenzo Nemolato, Elisabetta Valgoi, Jessica Cressy, Carlo Cecchi, Rinat Khismatouline, Pietro Ragusa, Aniello Arena, Chiara Francini, Luca Marinelli, Marco Leonardi
Synopsis of Martin Eden (2019)
The tale of an individualist proletarian in a time marked by the rise of mass political movements. In early 20th-century Italy, illiterate sailor Martin Eden seeks fame as a writer while torn between the love of a bourgeois girl and allegiance to his social class.
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Well, Martin Eden (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Martin Eden (2019) itselft directed by Pietro Marcello and Starring by Vincenzo Nemolato, Elisabetta Valgoi, Jessica Cressy, Carlo Cecchi, Rinat Khismatouline, Pietro Ragusa, Aniello Arena, Chiara Francini, Luca Marinelli, Marco Leonardi which made Martin Eden (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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