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Movies Detail of Love in the Afternoon (1972)

✓ Title : Love in the Afternoon
✓ Original Title : L'amour l'après-midi
✓ Release Date : September 1st, 1972
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Directors : Éric Rohmer, Claude Bertrand, Lorraine Santoni, Claudine Guillemin
✓ Writer : Éric Rohmer
✓ Company : Les Films du Losange
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Françoise Verley, Tina Michelino, Irène Skobline, Malvina Penne, Elisabeth Ferrier, Bernard Verley, Zouzou, Jean-Louis Livi, Pierre Nunzi, Daniel Ceccaldi

Synopsis of Love in the Afternoon (1972)

The last of Rohmer's Six Moral Tales. Frederic leads a bourgeois life; he is a partner in a small Paris office and is happily married to Helene, a teacher expecting her second child. In the afternoons, Frederic daydreams about other women, but has no intention of taking any action. One day, Chloe, who had been a mistress of an old friend, begins dropping by his office. They meet as friends, irregularly in the afternoons, till eventually Chloe decides to seduce Frederic, causing him a moral dilemma.

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Well, Love in the Afternoon (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Love in the Afternoon (1972) itselft directed by Éric Rohmer, Claude Bertrand, Lorraine Santoni, Claudine Guillemin and Starring by Françoise Verley, Tina Michelino, Irène Skobline, Malvina Penne, Elisabeth Ferrier, Bernard Verley, Zouzou, Jean-Louis Livi, Pierre Nunzi, Daniel Ceccaldi which made Love in the Afternoon (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Love in the Afternoon (1972)

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