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Movies Detail of Fake Party (2013)

✓ Title : Fake Party
✓ Original Title : Fiesta falsa
✓ Release Date : March 29th, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Director : Daniel Peralta
✓ Writers : Daniel Peralta, René Martín
✓ Company : Grip Films
✓ Country : Chile
✓ Cast : Jorge Arecheta, Miguel Muñoz, Fernando Mena, Pablo Ilabaca, María José Bello, Natalia Reddersen, Sergio Diaz, Cristobal Valenzuela, Tomás Verdejo, Mauricio López

Synopsis of Fake Party (2013)

Álvaro Infestas is a teacher, a young guy that has neglected his health. He will reencounter his motivations and friendships he abandoned some time ago, because he was in a long-lasting love affair, which left him in a kind of pause. Now that he is alone, he will try to find the real party, his party…

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Well, Fake Party (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fake Party (2013) itselft directed by Daniel Peralta and Starring by Jorge Arecheta, Miguel Muñoz, Fernando Mena, Pablo Ilabaca, María José Bello, Natalia Reddersen, Sergio Diaz, Cristobal Valenzuela, Tomás Verdejo, Mauricio López which made Fake Party (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Fake Party (2013)

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