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Movies Detail of Zebra Stripes (2014)

✓ Title : Zebra Stripes
✓ Original Title : Les Rayures du Zèbre
✓ Release Date : February 5th, 2014
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Director : Benoît Mariage
✓ Writer : Benoît Mariage
✓ Companies : MG Productions, CAB Productions, Formosa Productions, RTBF
✓ Country : Belgium
✓ Cast : Tatiana Rojo, Benoît Poelvoorde, Tom Audenaert, Marc Zinga

Synopsis of Zebra Stripes (2014)

José is a football agent who goes to Ivory Coast to spot young talents in football. He is a braggart , who willingly sleeps with Gigi , a beautiful African woman who loves the luxury he offers her... One day, José spots Yaya, a street boy with the potential of a champion, and brings him to Belgium. Will Yaya be José's reward? Between the poor neighborhoods of Abidjan and Sporting Club of Charleroi, the cultural "gap" is brutal... and reserves surprises.

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Well, Zebra Stripes (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Zebra Stripes (2014) itselft directed by Benoît Mariage and Starring by Tatiana Rojo, Benoît Poelvoorde, Tom Audenaert, Marc Zinga which made Zebra Stripes (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Zebra Stripes (2014)

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