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The Debt 1988 Film hd Film complet En ligne

Movies Detail of The Debt (1988)

✓ Title : The Debt
✓ Original Title : La deuda interna
✓ Release Date : August 4th, 1988
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Miguel Pereira
✓ Writers : Miguel Pereira, Fortunato Ramos, Eduardo Leiva Muller
✓ Countries : Argentina, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Guillermo Delgado, Titina Gaspar, Juan José Camero, Leopoldo Abán, Gonzalo Morales, Raúl Calles, Juana Daniela Cáceres, Fortunato Ramos, René Olaguivel, Ana María González

Synopsis of The Debt (1988)

The drama tells the story of an Argentine elementary-school teacher sent by the government to a rural hamlet located in the northwestern province of Jujuy. It shows how he touches the lives of the villagers, especially the young and impressionable boy Verónico, whose mother died and father left to seek work when he was an infant. The film is based on a non-fiction book written by Fortunato Ramos, a rural teacher in northwest Argentina, that discusses his teaching experiences.

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Well, The Debt (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Debt (1988) itselft directed by Miguel Pereira and Starring by Guillermo Delgado, Titina Gaspar, Juan José Camero, Leopoldo Abán, Gonzalo Morales, Raúl Calles, Juana Daniela Cáceres, Fortunato Ramos, René Olaguivel, Ana María González which made The Debt (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Debt (1988)

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