Movies Detail of Kazantzakis (2017)
✓ Title : Kazantzakis
✓ Original Title : Καζαντζάκης
✓ Release Date : November 23rd, 2017
✓ Genre : History
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Directors : Yannis Smaragdis, Dimitris Apostolou, Athina Kefalopoulou
✓ Writer : Yannis Smaragdis
✓ Company : Alexandros Film
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Youlika Skafida, Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos, Marina Kalogirou, Nikos Kardonis, Argyris Xafis, Stefanos Linaios, Anthoula Katsimatides, Thodoris Atheridis, Alexandros Kampaxis, Zeta Douka
✓ Original Title : Καζαντζάκης
✓ Release Date : November 23rd, 2017
✓ Genre : History
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Directors : Yannis Smaragdis, Dimitris Apostolou, Athina Kefalopoulou
✓ Writer : Yannis Smaragdis
✓ Company : Alexandros Film
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Youlika Skafida, Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos, Marina Kalogirou, Nikos Kardonis, Argyris Xafis, Stefanos Linaios, Anthoula Katsimatides, Thodoris Atheridis, Alexandros Kampaxis, Zeta Douka
Synopsis of Kazantzakis (2017)
The true story of the greatest Greek writer of the 20th century, Nikos Kazantzakis, based on his work, Report to Greco, which is, essentially, his autobiography.
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Well, Kazantzakis (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Kazantzakis (2017) itselft directed by Yannis Smaragdis, Dimitris Apostolou, Athina Kefalopoulou and Starring by Youlika Skafida, Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos, Marina Kalogirou, Nikos Kardonis, Argyris Xafis, Stefanos Linaios, Anthoula Katsimatides, Thodoris Atheridis, Alexandros Kampaxis, Zeta Douka which made Kazantzakis (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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