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Download Fate (2015) Full Movie ~Online

Movies Detail of Fate (2015)

✓ Title : Fate
✓ Original Title : Ειμαρμένη
✓ Release Date : November 6th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 99 minutes
✓ Director : A.J. Marianos
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Alkis Panagiotidis, Keti Imbrohori, Yannis Bostantzoglou, Yannis Zouganelis, Dimitris Bitos, Michalis Iatropoulos

Synopsis of Fate (2015)

On a small island, a saint is about to be canonized by the church. His icon has no face. According to local lore, one night the saint stepped out of the icon, visited the fair and scandalized the believers. He was ashamed of his behavior and never returned. After a disastrous weekend, a writer discovers that a painter had actually been commissioned to paint the portrait of a saint, but that his dissolute way of living led the locals to attribute to the saint the painter’s acts. The islanders resorted to crime, filling in the blanks of the icon. While seeking the truth, the writer dies in a dramatic way. A while later, his corpse is found. It has suffered abuse. A reporter undertakes to cover the story, but is faced with a closed society that refuses to speak.

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Well, Fate (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fate (2015) itselft directed by A.J. Marianos and Starring by Alkis Panagiotidis, Keti Imbrohori, Yannis Bostantzoglou, Yannis Zouganelis, Dimitris Bitos, Michalis Iatropoulos which made Fate (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Fate (2015)

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