Movies Detail of The Liberator (2013)
✓ Title : The Liberator
✓ Original Title : Libertador
✓ Release Date : September 9th, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 119 minutes
✓ Directors : Yuyi Beringola, Alberto Arvelo
✓ Writer : Timothy J. Sexton
✓ Companies : WMG Film, Producciones Insurgentes, San Mateo Films
✓ Countries : Spain, Venezuela
✓ Cast : Gary Lewis, Dacio Caballero, Juana Acosta, Edgar Ramírez, Iwan Rheon, Imanol Arias, María Valverde, Erich Wildpret, Leandro Arvelo, Danny Huston
✓ Original Title : Libertador
✓ Release Date : September 9th, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 119 minutes
✓ Directors : Yuyi Beringola, Alberto Arvelo
✓ Writer : Timothy J. Sexton
✓ Companies : WMG Film, Producciones Insurgentes, San Mateo Films
✓ Countries : Spain, Venezuela
✓ Cast : Gary Lewis, Dacio Caballero, Juana Acosta, Edgar Ramírez, Iwan Rheon, Imanol Arias, María Valverde, Erich Wildpret, Leandro Arvelo, Danny Huston
Synopsis of The Liberator (2013)
Bolívar was instrumental in Latin America’s struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire, and is today considered one of the most influential politicians and emancipators in American history. Libertador is told from the viewpoint of Bolívar, portrayed by Ramírez, about his quests and epic military campaigns, which covered twice the territory Alexander the Great conquered, and his vision to unify South America.
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Well, The Liberator (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Liberator (2013) itselft directed by Yuyi Beringola, Alberto Arvelo and Starring by Gary Lewis, Dacio Caballero, Juana Acosta, Edgar Ramírez, Iwan Rheon, Imanol Arias, María Valverde, Erich Wildpret, Leandro Arvelo, Danny Huston which made The Liberator (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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