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Movies Detail of Mont-Dragon (1970)

✓ Title : Mont-Dragon
✓ Release Date : December 16th, 1970
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Jean Valère
✓ Writers : Philippe Dumarçay, Robert Margerit
✓ Companies : Société d'Expansion du Spectacle, Les Films Jacques Leitienne, Alcinter, SODEP
✓ Countries : Belgium, France
✓ Cast : Catherine Rouvel, Yves Brainville, Gérard Bernard, Jacques Brel, Carole André, Pascal Mazzotti, Maria Michi, Françoise Prévost, Pippo Merisi, Paul Le Person

Synopsis of Mont-Dragon (1970)

Because he has seduced Germaine de Boismenil, Georges Dormont is thrown out of the army by the colonel and husband of the beautiful. After the death of the Count of Boismenil, Dormont arrived at the castle of the widow with the firm intention of taking revenge. From the outset, he seduces Pierrette, the servant, revives the heart of Germaine, having gotten an appointment with the widow, he makes her naked, humiliates and leaves her. Witness of the scene, Martha, the proud orphan, throws herself into the arms of Gaston, faithful order of the colonel, to avenge her mother. George soon flouted their feelings. He then forces Germaine to reveal his attachment to Pierrette and causes a beautiful scandal.

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Well, Mont-Dragon (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mont-Dragon (1970) itselft directed by Jean Valère and Starring by Catherine Rouvel, Yves Brainville, Gérard Bernard, Jacques Brel, Carole André, Pascal Mazzotti, Maria Michi, Françoise Prévost, Pippo Merisi, Paul Le Person which made Mont-Dragon (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mont-Dragon (1970)

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