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Regarder Sundays on Leave [Sundays on Leave - 1993] : Film Complet Google.Drive

Movies Detail of Sundays on Leave (1993)

✓ Title : Sundays on Leave
✓ Original Title : È pericoloso sporgersi
✓ Release Date : May 26th, 1993
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Director : Nae Caranfil
✓ Writer : Nae Caranfil
✓ Companies : Compagnie des Images, Filmex Romania
✓ Countries : France, Romania
✓ Cast : Liviu Topuzu, Camelia Zorlescu, Marcela Motoc, Marius Stănescu, Marius Florea Vizante, Rada Istrate, Nathalie Bonnifay, Valentin Teodosiu, George Alexandru, Florin Călinescu

Synopsis of Sundays on Leave (1993)

It is late in the Ceausescu era in Romania, and Cristina is having a difficult time with her boyfriend. He wants her to have sex with him before he goes off to do his obligatory stint in the army. She wants him to marry her first. She also gets involved with a slightly rebellious actor, a would-be ladies' man. He has some vague plans to defect - could those be the reason he is receiving mysterious phone calls? Or are they the work of his anonymous admirer?

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Well, Sundays on Leave (1993) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sundays on Leave (1993) itselft directed by Nae Caranfil and Starring by Liviu Topuzu, Camelia Zorlescu, Marcela Motoc, Marius Stănescu, Marius Florea Vizante, Rada Istrate, Nathalie Bonnifay, Valentin Teodosiu, George Alexandru, Florin Călinescu which made Sundays on Leave (1993) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sundays on Leave (1993)

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