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Movies Detail of Still River (2019)

✓ Title : Still River
✓ Release Date : March 21st, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 129 minutes
✓ Directors : Angelos Frantzis, Jānis Zariņš, Dimitris Apostolou, Santa Grinina, Laura Melke
✓ Writers : Angelos Frantzis, Spyros Kribalis
✓ Companies : Vasilis Alatas TV Film, Oi kipoi, Blonde, Steficon SA, 2/35, Felony Productions, DNA LAB, Cinevera LV, Heretic, Mezzanine Films, Tasse Film
✓ Countries : France, Greece, Latvia
✓ Cast : Oskars Morozovs, Guna Zariņa, Juris Bartkevičs, Kaspars Znotiņš, Andreas Konstantinou, Ivars Puga, Katia Goulioni, Indra Burkovska, Katrīne Pasternaka, Glebs Beikov

Synopsis of Still River (2019)

A Greek couple, Anna (Katia Goulioni) and Petros (Andreas Konstantinou), have recently moved to a small industrial town in Siberia. It’s a long process to adapt, especially for Anna, since Petros is quite occupied with his job. That will cause a conflict between them and inevitably the couple is distanced. Everything is escalated as for the past period there is no sexual intercourse between them. This slow-paced decay is intensified when an unexpected event occurs, changing everything between them. Balancing between trust and disbelief the haunting suspense evolves.

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Well, Still River (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Still River (2019) itselft directed by Angelos Frantzis, Jānis Zariņš, Dimitris Apostolou, Santa Grinina, Laura Melke and Starring by Oskars Morozovs, Guna Zariņa, Juris Bartkevičs, Kaspars Znotiņš, Andreas Konstantinou, Ivars Puga, Katia Goulioni, Indra Burkovska, Katrīne Pasternaka, Glebs Beikov which made Still River (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Still River (2019)

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