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(Regarder!) Kara Sevdali Bulut Streaming VF (1991!Film) Gratuit En ligne

Movies Detail of Kara Sevdali Bulut (1991)

✓ Title : Kara Sevdali Bulut
✓ Release Date : February 8th, 1991
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 95 minutes
✓ Director : Muammer Özer
✓ Writer : Muammer Özer
✓ Countries : Sweden, Turkey
✓ Cast : Haluk Bilginer, Zuhal Olcay, Şahika Tekand, Sonen Bilgin

Synopsis of Kara Sevdali Bulut (1991)

An old woman tells a granddaughter the story of the cloud in love. It's an allegory story of oppression.

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Well, Kara Sevdali Bulut (1991) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Kara Sevdali Bulut (1991) itselft directed by Muammer Özer and Starring by Haluk Bilginer, Zuhal Olcay, Şahika Tekand, Sonen Bilgin which made Kara Sevdali Bulut (1991) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Kara Sevdali Bulut (1991)

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