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🥇 The Last Summer of the Rich Pelicula Completa en Español Latino y Chilena Filtrada Online (2014)

Movies Detail of The Last Summer of the Rich (2014)

✓ Title : The Last Summer of the Rich
✓ Original Title : Der letzte Sommer der Reichen
✓ Release Date : April 24th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Peter Kern
✓ Writer : Peter Kern
✓ Company : Nanook Film
✓ Country : Austria
✓ Cast : Paul Matic, Helmut Berger, Margarethe Tiesel, Winfried Glatzeder, Nicole Gerdon, Amira Casar, Nicole Beutler, Martin Oberhauser, Florian Feik, Oliver Rosskopf

Synopsis of The Last Summer of the Rich (2014)

Vienna's high society parties with sex, drugs, alcohol and young models. Hanna von Stezewitz stands in the center of it all. She's young, attractive and rich, head of a corporate group and one of Vienna's most important financers.

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Well, The Last Summer of the Rich (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Last Summer of the Rich (2014) itselft directed by Peter Kern and Starring by Paul Matic, Helmut Berger, Margarethe Tiesel, Winfried Glatzeder, Nicole Gerdon, Amira Casar, Nicole Beutler, Martin Oberhauser, Florian Feik, Oliver Rosskopf which made The Last Summer of the Rich (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Last Summer of the Rich (2014)

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