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Movies Detail of Il derviscio (2001)

✓ Title : Il derviscio
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2001
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 132 minutes
✓ Director : Alberto Rondalli
✓ Writers : Alberto Rondalli, Meša Selimović
✓ Companies : Cinemaundici, Tele+, Ipotesi Cinema, AFS Film, RAI, Eurimages
✓ Countries : France, Italy, Turkey
✓ Cast : Erdem Özipek, Başak Köklükaya, Menderes Samancılar, Antonio Buil Pueyo, Tuncer Necmioğlu, Ruhi Sarı, Cezmi Baskın, Yüksel Arıcı, Mete Dönmezer, Soner Agin

Synopsis of Il derviscio (2001)

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Well, Il derviscio (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Il derviscio (2001) itselft directed by Alberto Rondalli and Starring by Erdem Özipek, Başak Köklükaya, Menderes Samancılar, Antonio Buil Pueyo, Tuncer Necmioğlu, Ruhi Sarı, Cezmi Baskın, Yüksel Arıcı, Mete Dönmezer, Soner Agin which made Il derviscio (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Il derviscio (2001)

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