Movies Detail of The Woman of My Life (1986)
✓ Title : The Woman of My Life
✓ Original Title : La femme de ma vie
✓ Release Date : October 8th, 1986
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 102 minutes
✓ Director : Régis Wargnier
✓ Writers : Régis Wargnier, Catherine Cohen, Alain Le Henry, Alain Wermus
✓ Companies : Bioskop Film, Odessa Films, HR
✓ Countries : France, Germany
✓ Cast : Béatrice Agenin, Andrzej Seweryn, Jacques Mercier, Elsa Lunghini, Jane Birkin, Florent Pagny, Christophe Malavoy, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Dominique Blanc, Didier Sandre
✓ Original Title : La femme de ma vie
✓ Release Date : October 8th, 1986
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 102 minutes
✓ Director : Régis Wargnier
✓ Writers : Régis Wargnier, Catherine Cohen, Alain Le Henry, Alain Wermus
✓ Companies : Bioskop Film, Odessa Films, HR
✓ Countries : France, Germany
✓ Cast : Béatrice Agenin, Andrzej Seweryn, Jacques Mercier, Elsa Lunghini, Jane Birkin, Florent Pagny, Christophe Malavoy, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Dominique Blanc, Didier Sandre
Synopsis of The Woman of My Life (1986)
Simon, a famous violinist, sinks into alcoholism. He finds support from his lover, who is also the manager of the orchestra in which he plays. But is she really helping him or is she exploiting his dependence on her? A man who has been through the same experience as Simon, offers to help him...
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Well, The Woman of My Life (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Woman of My Life (1986) itselft directed by Régis Wargnier and Starring by Béatrice Agenin, Andrzej Seweryn, Jacques Mercier, Elsa Lunghini, Jane Birkin, Florent Pagny, Christophe Malavoy, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Dominique Blanc, Didier Sandre which made The Woman of My Life (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ The Woman of My Life Full Movie Movie 4K - focuses on the politics and social order implied by libertarian philosophies with an emphasis on individualism and a limited state – and in some cases, no state whatsoever. As a genre, it can be seen as growing out of the 1986 and 1986 when the science-fiction pulp magazines were reaching their peak at the same time as fascism and communism. While this environment gave rise to dystopian novels such as George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four, in the pulps, this influence more often give rise to speculations about societies (or sub-groups) arising in direct opposition to totalitarianism.
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