Movies Detail of Hideouts (1986)
✓ Title : Hideouts
✓ Original Title : Heidenlöcher
✓ Release Date : February 28th, 1986
✓ Genres : War, Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Wolfram Paulus
✓ Writer : Wolfram Paulus
✓ Companies : Bayerischer Rundfunk, MARWO Filmproduktion, Voissfilm
✓ Countries : Germany, Austria
✓ Cast : Joanna Madej, Matthias Aichhorn, Helmut Vogel, Claus-Dieter Reents, Florian Pircher, Rolf Zacher, Rolf Zacher, Albert Paulus
✓ Original Title : Heidenlöcher
✓ Release Date : February 28th, 1986
✓ Genres : War, Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Wolfram Paulus
✓ Writer : Wolfram Paulus
✓ Companies : Bayerischer Rundfunk, MARWO Filmproduktion, Voissfilm
✓ Countries : Germany, Austria
✓ Cast : Joanna Madej, Matthias Aichhorn, Helmut Vogel, Claus-Dieter Reents, Florian Pircher, Rolf Zacher, Rolf Zacher, Albert Paulus
Synopsis of Hideouts (1986)
In this well-photographed and sometimes confusing wartime drama, an Austrian village experiences the tragedy of war on several different levels. Within one family, the younger son is jealous of the praise his father gives to a Polish POW who is working for them under very difficult conditions. Within the village as a whole, the French, Polish, and Russian POWs are kept under guard by Nazi soldiers, creating a tense situation all around. But more importantly, the village has conspired to hide an Austrian deserter in a cave up in the mountains. This act of rebellion on the part of the deserter and the village hangs in a precarious balance that could be upset by a single traitorous comment to the Gestapo.
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Well, Hideouts (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hideouts (1986) itselft directed by Wolfram Paulus and Starring by Joanna Madej, Matthias Aichhorn, Helmut Vogel, Claus-Dieter Reents, Florian Pircher, Rolf Zacher, Rolf Zacher, Albert Paulus which made Hideouts (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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