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Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women 1974 Film complet Streaming En ligne fcomplets

Movies Detail of Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women (1974)

✓ Title : Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women
✓ Original Title : Superuomini, superdonne, superbotte
✓ Release Date : April 11th, 1974
✓ Genres : Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Comedy, Fantasy
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Director : Alfonso Brescia
✓ Writers : Alfonso Brescia, Aldo Crudo
✓ Companies : Shaw Brothers, Cinematográfica Pelimex, A Erre Cinematografica
✓ Countries : Hong Kong, Italy, Mexico
✓ Cast : Aldo Bufi Landi, Elliot Ngok, Marc Hannibal, Riccardo Pizzuti, Karen Yeh, Aldo Canti, Magda Konopka, Genie Woods, Malisa Longo, Lynne Moody

Synopsis of Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women (1974)

Three men with supernatural powers interfere in a tribal warfare to prevent evil Amazons destroying the inhabitants of a village.

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Well, Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women (1974) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women (1974) itselft directed by Alfonso Brescia and Starring by Aldo Bufi Landi, Elliot Ngok, Marc Hannibal, Riccardo Pizzuti, Karen Yeh, Aldo Canti, Magda Konopka, Genie Woods, Malisa Longo, Lynne Moody which made Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women (1974) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women (1974)

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