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Movies Detail of A Happy Divorce (1975)

✓ Title : A Happy Divorce
✓ Original Title : Un divorce heureux
✓ Release Date : June 6th, 1975
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Henning Carlsen
✓ Company : Union Générale Cinématographique (UGC)
✓ Countries : France, Denmark
✓ Cast : Anne-Lise Gabold, Jean Rochefort, Bulle Ogier, Daniel Ceccaldi, Etienne Bierry, Bernadette Lafont, André Dussollier

Synopsis of A Happy Divorce (1975)

After having been rescued from suicide, a young man is the object of a bet by his doctor that the doctor can help him recover his joy in life. Ironically, the doctor's life is not a very happy one either, and his boast has a hollow sound. For one thing, although he seemingly has a "happy divorce," in which he, his ex-wife and her new husband are all great pals, it's not true. He wants his wife back. All sorts of complications arise out of these lies and distortions.

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Well, A Happy Divorce (1975) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Happy Divorce (1975) itselft directed by Henning Carlsen and Starring by Anne-Lise Gabold, Jean Rochefort, Bulle Ogier, Daniel Ceccaldi, Etienne Bierry, Bernadette Lafont, André Dussollier which made A Happy Divorce (1975) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Happy Divorce (1975)

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