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[Watch.Online.Free] Lena 2011 Full Movie And Stream

Movies Detail of Lena (2011)

✓ Title : Lena
✓ Release Date : October 12th, 2011
✓ Genres : Drama, Action
✓ Runtime : 119 minutes
✓ Director : Christophe Van Rompaey
✓ Writer : Mieke de Jong
✓ Countries : Netherlands, Belgium
✓ Cast : Niels Gomperts, Chiem Vreeken, Steef Cuijpers, Kevin de Wit, Lisa Smit, Rifka Lodeizen, Ernst Dekkers, Jeroen Willems, Emma Levie, Agata Buzek

Synopsis of Lena (2011)

Lena is a lonely, plump adolescent girl. Much to her surprise she gets a relationship with the popular but unreliable Daan. Lena moves in with Daan and his strange father Tom and is willing to do a lot for his love. More than a lot.

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Well, Lena (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lena (2011) itselft directed by Christophe Van Rompaey and Starring by Niels Gomperts, Chiem Vreeken, Steef Cuijpers, Kevin de Wit, Lisa Smit, Rifka Lodeizen, Ernst Dekkers, Jeroen Willems, Emma Levie, Agata Buzek which made Lena (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Lena (2011)

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