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(V E R) Lokis. A Manuscript of Professor Wittembach (1970) Pelicula Online en Español

Movies Detail of Lokis. A Manuscript of Professor Wittembach (1970)

✓ Title : Lokis. A Manuscript of Professor Wittembach
✓ Original Title : Lokis. Rekopis profesora Wittembacha
✓ Release Date : September 25th, 1970
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Horror
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Janusz Majewski
✓ Writers : Prosper Mérimée, Janusz Majewski
✓ Company : P.P. Film Polski
✓ Country : Poland
✓ Cast : Witold Holtz, Gustaw Lutkiewicz, Hanna Stankówna, Edmund Fetting, Malgorzata Braunek, Józef Duriasz, Zofia Mrozowska

Synopsis of Lokis. A Manuscript of Professor Wittembach (1970)

A pastor studying folklore in remote parts of 19th century Estonia is invited to stay with a young nobleman. His mother is sequestered and mad. It seems she has been attacked by a bear as a young wife and local peasants whisper the young man may be the son of a bear. A doctor, who treats the mother with old-fashioned remedies, reveals this to the pastor. Young nobleman's wife is found with a bite and the man has disappeared into the woods.

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Well, Lokis. A Manuscript of Professor Wittembach (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lokis. A Manuscript of Professor Wittembach (1970) itselft directed by Janusz Majewski and Starring by Witold Holtz, Gustaw Lutkiewicz, Hanna Stankówna, Edmund Fetting, Malgorzata Braunek, Józef Duriasz, Zofia Mrozowska which made Lokis. A Manuscript of Professor Wittembach (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Lokis. A Manuscript of Professor Wittembach (1970)

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