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A Cat in Paris - Pelicula COMPLETA en Español HD-2010

Movies Detail of A Cat in Paris (2010)

✓ Title : A Cat in Paris
✓ Original Title : Une vie de chat
✓ Release Date : December 15th, 2010
✓ Genres : Animation, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 70 minutes
✓ Directors : Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli
✓ Writers : Alain Gagnol, Alain Gagnol, Jacques-Rémy Girerd
✓ Companies : Folimage, Digit Anima, France 3 Cinéma, Gébéka Films
✓ Countries : France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium
✓ Cast : Jean Benguigui, Patrick Ridremont, Oriane Zani, Bernard Bouillon, Bernadette Lafont, Jacques Ramade, Jean-Pierre Yvars, Bruno Salomone, Dominique Blanc, Philippe Hartmann

Synopsis of A Cat in Paris (2010)

A thrilling mystery that unfurls in the alleys and on the rooftops of the French capital, Paris, over the course of one adventurous evening.

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Well, A Cat in Paris (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Cat in Paris (2010) itselft directed by Alain Gagnol, Jean-Loup Felicioli and Starring by Jean Benguigui, Patrick Ridremont, Oriane Zani, Bernard Bouillon, Bernadette Lafont, Jacques Ramade, Jean-Pierre Yvars, Bruno Salomone, Dominique Blanc, Philippe Hartmann which made A Cat in Paris (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Cat in Paris (2010)

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