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Voir Blomstrande tider 1980 Film complet with français subtitles

Movies Detail of Blomstrande tider (1980)

✓ Title : Blomstrande tider
✓ Release Date : January 28th, 1980
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Director : John Olsson
✓ Writer : John Olsson
✓ Companies : Svenska Filminstitutet, Drakfilm Produktion, Treklövern
✓ Country : Sweden
✓ Cast : Anu Panula, Krister Henriksson, Åke Lindström, Halvar Björk, Keve Hjelm, Margreth Weivers, Jan Waldekranz, Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt, Siv Ericks, Essy Persson

Synopsis of Blomstrande tider (1980)

"Prosperous Times" - It is in the mid 70s. UN soldier Jussi, returns to his native village after a few years of absence, looks at the resort boredom and injustice with new eyes, but is not able to do anything.

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Well, Blomstrande tider (1980) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Blomstrande tider (1980) itselft directed by John Olsson and Starring by Anu Panula, Krister Henriksson, Åke Lindström, Halvar Björk, Keve Hjelm, Margreth Weivers, Jan Waldekranz, Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt, Siv Ericks, Essy Persson which made Blomstrande tider (1980) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Blomstrande tider (1980)

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