Movies Detail of Maldita cocaína (2001)
✓ Title : Maldita cocaína
✓ Release Date : March 15th, 2001
✓ Genres : Thriller, Crime
✓ Director : Pablo Rodríguez
✓ Writer : Luis Nieto
✓ Company : Guemont Films
✓ Countries : Argentina, Uruguay
✓ Cast : Osvaldo Laport, Juan Manuel Tenuta, Emiliano Lozano, Ivana Leyton, Laura Arias, Ricardo Espalter, Edward Nutkiewicz, Elizabeth Bradley, Diego Delgrossi, Gustavo Cabral
✓ Release Date : March 15th, 2001
✓ Genres : Thriller, Crime
✓ Director : Pablo Rodríguez
✓ Writer : Luis Nieto
✓ Company : Guemont Films
✓ Countries : Argentina, Uruguay
✓ Cast : Osvaldo Laport, Juan Manuel Tenuta, Emiliano Lozano, Ivana Leyton, Laura Arias, Ricardo Espalter, Edward Nutkiewicz, Elizabeth Bradley, Diego Delgrossi, Gustavo Cabral
Synopsis of Maldita cocaína (2001)
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Well, Maldita cocaína (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Maldita cocaína (2001) itselft directed by Pablo Rodríguez and Starring by Osvaldo Laport, Juan Manuel Tenuta, Emiliano Lozano, Ivana Leyton, Laura Arias, Ricardo Espalter, Edward Nutkiewicz, Elizabeth Bradley, Diego Delgrossi, Gustavo Cabral which made Maldita cocaína (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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