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Movies Detail of World of Death (2016)

✓ Title : World of Death
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2016
✓ Runtime : 142 minutes
✓ Directors : Travis Zariwny, Gus Krieger, Patrick Rea, Tony Wash, Jay Wade Edwards, Thom Newell, Gonzalo Torrens, David Bornstein, Nicolás Botana, Trevor Davies, James Farris, Michael Kyne
✓ Country : Mexico
✓ Cast : Eri Akita, Cooper Bibaud, Clayton Traylor, Morgan Finley King, Brandon Hunt, Samantha Bowdren, Ashley Urbanski, Jeremy Koerner, Bianca Allaine, Tina Thomas

Synopsis of World of Death (2016)

World of Death brings together the talents of hundreds of filmmakers from all over the world in a web series that will terrorize, astonish, disturb, and excite genre fans. With new episodes premiering on every week, horror fans will never be without a heaping mound of blood, guts and mayhem.

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Well, World of Death (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The World of Death (2016) itselft directed by Travis Zariwny, Gus Krieger, Patrick Rea, Tony Wash, Jay Wade Edwards, Thom Newell, Gonzalo Torrens, David Bornstein, Nicolás Botana, Trevor Davies, James Farris, Michael Kyne and Starring by Eri Akita, Cooper Bibaud, Clayton Traylor, Morgan Finley King, Brandon Hunt, Samantha Bowdren, Ashley Urbanski, Jeremy Koerner, Bianca Allaine, Tina Thomas which made World of Death (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

World of Death (2016)

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