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Regarder Because of the Cats 1973 Bluray x264

Movies Detail of Because of the Cats (1973)

✓ Title : Because of the Cats
✓ Release Date : March 15th, 1973
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime, Mystery
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Fons Rademakers
✓ Writers : Fons Rademakers, Hugo Claus, Nicolas Freeling
✓ Companies : Filmking, Showking Films
✓ Countries : Netherlands, Belgium
✓ Cast : Delia Lindsay, Sebastian Graham Jones, Roger Hammond, Sylvia Kristel, Bryan Marshall, Edward Judd, Anthony Allen, Nicholas Hoye, Ida Goemans, Alexandra Stewart

Synopsis of Because of the Cats (1973)

A gang of six wealthy, well-dressed and well-spoken hoodlums break into a married couple's house and rape the wife while forcing the husband to watch. Thus begins a dogged investigation by a determined detective who quickly finds that their cult-like solidarity can be a serious obstacle to breaking them.

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Well, Because of the Cats (1973) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Because of the Cats (1973) itselft directed by Fons Rademakers and Starring by Delia Lindsay, Sebastian Graham Jones, Roger Hammond, Sylvia Kristel, Bryan Marshall, Edward Judd, Anthony Allen, Nicholas Hoye, Ida Goemans, Alexandra Stewart which made Because of the Cats (1973) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Because of the Cats (1973)

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