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VER- [CL]-Toubab Bi `1992` Pelicula Completa En Chilena [~1080p~]

Movies Detail of Toubab Bi (1992)

✓ Title : Toubab Bi
✓ Release Date : January 2nd, 1992
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Moussa Touré
✓ Company : Valprod
✓ Countries : France, Senegal
✓ Cast : Makena Diop, Hélène Lapiower, Khalil Gueye

Synopsis of Toubab Bi (1992)

Soriba Samb (Oumar Diop Makena) is a Senegalese who has just received a much sought after internship to study filmmaking in Paris. In this story, Soriba heads to Paris, accompanied by the five-year old son of a friend who he believes to be still living in Paris. On arrival he struggles to find the boy’s father. In addition to coping with his new internship, Soriba has to also spend time tracking down the boy’s father ‘Issa’. Soriba eventually finds ‘Issa’ but only to discover that he is running a prostitution ring and actually has no intention of leaving Paris. This is deeply disturbing to Soriba as the fate of the young boy now hangs squarely in the balance. Soriba sets out to change this and invokes the spirits of his ancestors to transform ‘Issa’s’ wayward living so he can care for his son and return to Senegal.

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Well, Toubab Bi (1992) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Toubab Bi (1992) itselft directed by Moussa Touré and Starring by Makena Diop, Hélène Lapiower, Khalil Gueye which made Toubab Bi (1992) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Toubab Bi (1992)

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