Movies Detail of Curse of the Devil (1973)
✓ Title : Curse of the Devil
✓ Original Title : El retorno de Walpurgis
✓ Release Date : October 30th, 1973
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 84 minutes
✓ Director : Carlos Aured
✓ Writers : Paul Naschy, Paul Naschy, Edward Mannix
✓ Companies : Lotus Films, Producciones Escorpión
✓ Countries : Spain, Mexico
✓ Cast : Ana Farra, José Manuel Martín, Paul Naschy, Maritza Olivares, Fernando Sánchez Polack, Eduardo Calvo, Elsa Zabala, Mariano Vidal Molina, María Silva, Fabiola Falcón
✓ Original Title : El retorno de Walpurgis
✓ Release Date : October 30th, 1973
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 84 minutes
✓ Director : Carlos Aured
✓ Writers : Paul Naschy, Paul Naschy, Edward Mannix
✓ Companies : Lotus Films, Producciones Escorpión
✓ Countries : Spain, Mexico
✓ Cast : Ana Farra, José Manuel Martín, Paul Naschy, Maritza Olivares, Fernando Sánchez Polack, Eduardo Calvo, Elsa Zabala, Mariano Vidal Molina, María Silva, Fabiola Falcón
Synopsis of Curse of the Devil (1973)
The great inquisitor Ireneus Daninsky has Countess Bathory burned alive and her female followers hanged. Before perishing in the flames the countess puts a curse on Daninsky and his descendants. Four centuries later, Waldemar Daninsky accidentally shoots a gypsy while hunting a wolf. The angry gypsies, who knew of the curse, summon up the Satan and the beautiful Ilona is chosen to seduce the young lord. During a night of love, Ilona bites Waldemar who turns into a werewolf killing his preys on full moon nights. His murders are first attributed to a mad killer escaped from the asylum. Waldemar, who suspects the killer is none other than himself, falls in love with Kinga, the daughter of a professor from Budapest. When Maria, Kinga's jealous younger sister, manages to seduce Waldemar and sleep with him, she is killed by the young man, once again turned into a werewolf.
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Well, Curse of the Devil (1973) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Curse of the Devil (1973) itselft directed by Carlos Aured and Starring by Ana Farra, José Manuel Martín, Paul Naschy, Maritza Olivares, Fernando Sánchez Polack, Eduardo Calvo, Elsa Zabala, Mariano Vidal Molina, María Silva, Fabiola Falcón which made Curse of the Devil (1973) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ Curse of the Devil Full Movie Without Signup - A mystery story that focuses on homicides. Usually, the detective must figure out who killed one or several victims. They may or may not find themselves or loved ones in danger because of this investigation. The genre often includes elements of the suspense story genre, or of the action and adventure genres.
◈ Curse of the Devil En Francais Streaming - This is a literary genre sharing the setting with crime fiction (especially detective stories). Though deriving from the romantic tradition, which emphasized the emotions of apprehension, horror and terror, and awe, hardboiled fiction deviates from the tradition in the detectives cynical attitude towards those emotions. The attitude is conveyed through the detectives self-talk describing to the reader (or – in the film – to the viewer) what he is doing and feeling.
◈ Curse of the Devil E Igor Pelicula Completa - An action story is similar to adventure, and the protagonist usually takes a risky turn, which leads to desperate situations (including explosions, fight scenes, daring escapes, etc.). Action and adventure are usually categorized together (sometimes even as "action-adventure") because they have much in common, and many stories fall under both genres simultaneously (for instance, the James Bond series can be classified as both).
◈ Curse of the Devil Le Filme - Often strictly defined as a literary genre or form, though in practice it is also found in the graphic and performing arts. In satire, human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, or other methods, ideally with the intent to bring about improvement. Satire is usually meant to be funny, but its purpose is not primarily humour as an attack on something the author disapproves of, using wit. A common, almost defining feature of satire is its strong vein of irony or sarcasm, but parody, burlesque, exaggeration, juxtaposition, comparison, analogy, and double entendre all frequently appear in satirical speech and writing. The essential point, is that "in satire, irony is militant." This "militant irony" (or sarcasm) often professes to approve (or at least accept as natural) the very things the satirist actually wishes to attack.
◈ Curse of the Devil Pelicula Completa Filtrada Online - A blend of heroic fantasy, adventure, and frequent elements of the horrific in which a mighty barbaric warrior hero is pitted against both human and supernatural adversaries. Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan the Cimmerian, Kull of Atlantis, the Pictish king Bran Mak Morn, etc. is generally acknowledged as the founder of the genre, chiefly through his writings for Weird Tales and other 1973 and 1973 pulp magazines.
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◈ Curse of the Devil Full Plot Leaked - A fantasy genre that concerns the use of famous literary or historical individuals and their interactions in the afterlife. It is named for John Kendrick Bangs, who often wrote in this genre.
◈ Curse of the Devil Orari Cinema - The utopia and its offshoot, the dystopia, are genres of literature that explore social and political structures. Utopian fiction is the creation of an ideal world, or utopia, as the setting for a novel. Dystopian fiction is the opposite: creation of a nightmare world, or dystopia. Many novels combine both, often as a metaphor for the different directions humanity can take in its choices, ending up with one of two possible futures. Both utopias and dystopias are commonly found in science fiction and other speculative fiction genres, and arguably are by definition a type of speculative fiction. More than 400 utopian works were published prior to the year 1973 in the English language alone, with more than a thousand others during the 20th century.
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