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#Ver™!!’The Conscript’[1974] Pelicula Completa en Espanol Latino (1974)

Movies Detail of The Conscript (1974)

✓ Title : The Conscript
✓ Original Title : De loteling
✓ Release Date : February 8th, 1974
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Director : Roland Verhavert
✓ Writers : Roland Verhavert, Hendrik Conscience, Nic Bal
✓ Companies : Elan Film N.V., Ministerie van Nederlandse Kultuur, Kunst en Kino
✓ Countries : Belgium, Netherlands
✓ Cast : Leo Madder, Ansje Beentjes, Gella Allaert, Denise Zimmerman, Gaston Vandermeulen, Eddy Asselbergs, Jan Decleir, Rudi Van Vlaenderen, Bernard Verheyden, Idwig Stephane

Synopsis of The Conscript (1974)

In 1833, when the fledgling Belgian kingdom still fears a Dutch invasion, recruits were selected annually from an age cohort by a draw of lots in each locality. In this grim, then contemporary drama by the 'father of Flemish literature', Hendrik Conscience, Jan Braems, a poor and naive farmers-boy, accepts the not uncommon offer by a rich family to sell his lucky ticket (out) to their son for a hefty sum compared to the miserable labor wages at the time. Army life is even harsher then a farmhand's, especially for a Dutch-speaking an-alphabet who simply can't understand his francophone superiors, and Jan's nature is not complacent enough for military discipline even by todays standards, so he soon gets into all kinds of trouble, including gambling his capital away and a venereal disease. When his girlfriend back home goes looking for him, her life is doomed as well.

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Well, The Conscript (1974) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Conscript (1974) itselft directed by Roland Verhavert and Starring by Leo Madder, Ansje Beentjes, Gella Allaert, Denise Zimmerman, Gaston Vandermeulen, Eddy Asselbergs, Jan Decleir, Rudi Van Vlaenderen, Bernard Verheyden, Idwig Stephane which made The Conscript (1974) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Conscript (1974)

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