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Movies Detail of Meteoro (2007)

✓ Title : Meteoro
✓ Release Date : June 27th, 2007
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 115 minutes
✓ Director : Diego de la Texera
✓ Writers : Marcos Bernstein, Diego de la Texera, Regiana Antonini
✓ Companies : Cinelândia Brasil Produções, Barlovento, Skylight Cinema Foto Art
✓ Countries : Argentina, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Venezuela
✓ Cast : Cláudio Marzo, Paula Burlamaqui, Lucci Ferreira, Leandro Hassum, Felipe Kannenberg, Marcos Wainberg, Daisy Granados, Daniel Lugo

Synopsis of Meteoro (2007)

Based on a true story about a road crew that raced to build the road between Brasilia and Fortaleza and the unexpected events that unfold make this film funny, engaging, and a true gem.

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Well, Meteoro (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Meteoro (2007) itselft directed by Diego de la Texera and Starring by Cláudio Marzo, Paula Burlamaqui, Lucci Ferreira, Leandro Hassum, Felipe Kannenberg, Marcos Wainberg, Daisy Granados, Daniel Lugo which made Meteoro (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Meteoro (2007)

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