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Otto the Rhino (2013) Full Movie Download In Hd Resolution

Movies Detail of Otto the Rhino (2013)

✓ Title : Otto the Rhino
✓ Original Title : Otto er et næsehorn
✓ Release Date : February 7th, 2013
✓ Genres : Animation, Comedy, Family
✓ Runtime : 76 minutes
✓ Director : Kenneth Kainz
✓ Writer : Rune Schjøtt
✓ Company : Crone Film Produktion A/S
✓ Country : Denmark
✓ Cast : Lars Brygmann, Nikolai Aamand, Noah Crone Back, Asta Danielsson, Lasse Guldberg Kamper, Søs Egelind, Mikkel Brinch Hansen, Helle Dolleris, Rebecca Brüel, Kaya Brüel

Synopsis of Otto the Rhino (2013)

Topper thinks summer vacation is boring. He misses his father who is sailing the seven seas. He can't figure out Sille who's cute. And his best friend, Viggo, always has to help out his punctilious dad, Mr Lion, in the café on the first floor of the red house where Topper lives on the top floor with his mother. One day, Topper finds a magic pencil and when he draws a rhino on the wall, the drawing comes to life! While Topper and Viggo try to keep the rhino, which they name Otto, well fed with black bread and raspberry soda before it devours all the furniture, Mr Lion pleads with the local authorities to come and remove the stomping pachyderm.

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Well, Otto the Rhino (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Otto the Rhino (2013) itselft directed by Kenneth Kainz and Starring by Lars Brygmann, Nikolai Aamand, Noah Crone Back, Asta Danielsson, Lasse Guldberg Kamper, Søs Egelind, Mikkel Brinch Hansen, Helle Dolleris, Rebecca Brüel, Kaya Brüel which made Otto the Rhino (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Otto the Rhino (2013)

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