Movies Detail of I Won't Come Back (2014)
✓ Title : I Won't Come Back
✓ Original Title : Я не вернусь
✓ Release Date : June 12th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Ilmar Raag
✓ Writers : Oleg Gaze, Yaroslava Pulinovich
✓ Companies : Helsinki Filmi, Amrion, Belarusfilm, CTB Film Company
✓ Countries : Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Estonia, Finland
✓ Cast : Yuriy Orlov, Galina Mochalova, Andrey Astrakhantsev, Nataliya Sizova, Vika Lobacheva, Polina Pushkaruk, Olga Belinskaya
✓ Original Title : Я не вернусь
✓ Release Date : June 12th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Ilmar Raag
✓ Writers : Oleg Gaze, Yaroslava Pulinovich
✓ Companies : Helsinki Filmi, Amrion, Belarusfilm, CTB Film Company
✓ Countries : Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Estonia, Finland
✓ Cast : Yuriy Orlov, Galina Mochalova, Andrey Astrakhantsev, Nataliya Sizova, Vika Lobacheva, Polina Pushkaruk, Olga Belinskaya
Synopsis of I Won't Come Back (2014)
Anya, a young academic raised in an orphanage, is on the cusp of success when she’s accused of drug possession. While in limbo hiding from the police, she hits the road with Kristina, another orphan several years Anya’s junior, in search of her possibly mythical grandmother.
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Well, I Won't Come Back (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I Won't Come Back (2014) itselft directed by Ilmar Raag and Starring by Yuriy Orlov, Galina Mochalova, Andrey Astrakhantsev, Nataliya Sizova, Vika Lobacheva, Polina Pushkaruk, Olga Belinskaya which made I Won't Come Back (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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