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Streaming~ Ruas Rivais ~Full movie~Online~2014

Movies Detail of Ruas Rivais (2014)

✓ Title : Ruas Rivais
✓ Release Date : July 31st, 2014
✓ Genres : Comedy, Crime
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Director : Márcio Loureiro
✓ Writer : Rute Moreira
✓ Country : Portugal
✓ Cast : Luís Franco Bastos, Fábio Lopes, Fafá de Belém, Diogo Valsassina, Margarida Castro, Ruben Valle, Angelina Luz, João Manzarra, Celso Guerra, Bruno Leça

Synopsis of Ruas Rivais (2014)

In a neighborhood of the suburbs where avenges the law of the street, a group of teenagers will be required to overcome themselves and challenge their fears to conquer a place in the world.

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Well, Ruas Rivais (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Ruas Rivais (2014) itselft directed by Márcio Loureiro and Starring by Luís Franco Bastos, Fábio Lopes, Fafá de Belém, Diogo Valsassina, Margarida Castro, Ruben Valle, Angelina Luz, João Manzarra, Celso Guerra, Bruno Leça which made Ruas Rivais (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Ruas Rivais (2014)

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