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Movies Detail of Birth of a Warrior (2015)

✓ Title : Birth of a Warrior
✓ Release Date : February 1st, 2015
✓ Genre : Action
✓ Director : Gordon Waddell
✓ Writers : Russell Cunningham, Franca Maiorana
✓ Company : Nerd Entertainment
✓ Country : Austria
✓ Cast : Chan Griffin, Kate Ryerson, Patrick Thompson, Kee Chan, Tonny White

Synopsis of Birth of a Warrior (2015)

Abandoned by a shrouded woman on the steps of a peaceful temple, a baby is taken in by the monks who dwell there. Named White, the child grows into a man learning the ways of the temple -cooking, meditation, Kung Fu - under the careful eye of Master Tenzin. Ten years pass and an orphan girl, Sierra, is taken in by the temple. As time passes, a friendship blooms between the young students of Master Tenzin. Years later White and his training brother Jamyang hear a commotion while walking on the Temple grounds. A gang of thieves snuck into the Temple and attacked Master Tenzin, stealing an ancient and powerful secret the monks have protected for centuries, the Chenresig Statue, as well as kidnapping Sierra! As White holds his dying master in his arms, he swears to return both to their rightful place, no matter the cost.

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Well, Birth of a Warrior (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Birth of a Warrior (2015) itselft directed by Gordon Waddell and Starring by Chan Griffin, Kate Ryerson, Patrick Thompson, Kee Chan, Tonny White which made Birth of a Warrior (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Birth of a Warrior (2015)

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