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[Watch.Online.Free] X312 - Flight to Hell 1971 Full Movie And Stream

Movies Detail of X312 - Flight to Hell (1971)

✓ Title : X312 - Flight to Hell
✓ Original Title : X312 - Flug zur Hölle
✓ Release Date : August 20th, 1971
✓ Genres : Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : Jesús Franco
✓ Writers : Artur Brauner, Jesús Franco
✓ Companies : Cite S.L., Central Cinema Company Film (CCC), Fénix Cooperativa Cinematográfica
✓ Countries : Germany, Spain
✓ Cast : Howard Vernon, Thomas Hunter, Siegfried Schürenberg, Ewa Strömberg, Gila von Weitershausen, Paul Müller, Hans Hass Jr., Esperanza Roy, Antonio de Cabo, Fernando Sancho

Synopsis of X312 - Flight to Hell (1971)

A plane leaving the turmoil of a South American country in the midst of a revolution crash-lands in the Amazon jungle in Brazil. Among the passengers are a corrupt banker who is smuggling diamonds out of the country, a reporter, a mysterious beauty and a shady flight attendant. The survivors find themselves up against not only the dangers of the jungle itself but a band of headhunters and a gang of revolutionaries who are looking for the smuggled diamonds.

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Well, X312 - Flight to Hell (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The X312 - Flight to Hell (1971) itselft directed by Jesús Franco and Starring by Howard Vernon, Thomas Hunter, Siegfried Schürenberg, Ewa Strömberg, Gila von Weitershausen, Paul Müller, Hans Hass Jr., Esperanza Roy, Antonio de Cabo, Fernando Sancho which made X312 - Flight to Hell (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

X312 - Flight to Hell (1971)

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