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Movies Detail of Killing Strangers (2013)

✓ Title : Killing Strangers
✓ Release Date : February 23rd, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 63 minutes
✓ Directors : Nicolás Pereda, Jacob Secher Schulsinger
✓ Company : Interior13 Cine
✓ Countries : Mexico, Denmark
✓ Cast : Gabino Rodríguez, Harold Torres, Tenoch Huerta, Esthel Vogrig

Synopsis of Killing Strangers (2013)

A series of auditions is taking place in a museum-like living room. Various men improvise or deliver prepared lines, rehearse gestures and slogans, aim guns, and collapse as if mortally wounded. The theme of revolution is repeatedly invoked. In between, there are scenes of a desert landscape. Three men seeking to join the Mexican Revolution at the beginning of the last century have lost their way. Conflicts smolder among them, water is running low, and mutual mistrust is beginning to take hold. Placing the reenactment of a possible historical event alongside the preparations for it serves to underline the theatricality of every cinematic account of history. Moreover, on a kind of playful meta-meta-level, the scenes in which the actors feel their way through set pieces from a Beatles song or standard battle slogans allow the viewer to witness the simultaneous construction and deconstruction of a collective myth of revolution.

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Well, Killing Strangers (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Killing Strangers (2013) itselft directed by Nicolás Pereda, Jacob Secher Schulsinger and Starring by Gabino Rodríguez, Harold Torres, Tenoch Huerta, Esthel Vogrig which made Killing Strangers (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Killing Strangers (2013)

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