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Movies Detail of History of Fear (2014)

✓ Title : History of Fear
✓ Original Title : Historia del miedo
✓ Release Date : February 9th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 79 minutes
✓ Director : Benjamín Naishtat
✓ Writer : Benjamín Naishtat
✓ Companies : Mutante Cine, Vitakuben, Ecce Films, Rei Cine
✓ Country : Argentina
✓ Cast : Mirella Pascual, Elsa Bois, Tatiana Giménez, Claudia Cantero, Mara Bestelli, Valeria Lois, Francisco Lumerman, Jonathan Da Rosa, César Bordón, Edgardo Castro

Synopsis of History of Fear (2014)

A hot summer. A private district with an enormous park. An abandoned plot of land in the suburbs and an uncontrollable wave of smoke spark uncertainty and chaos.

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Well, History of Fear (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The History of Fear (2014) itselft directed by Benjamín Naishtat and Starring by Mirella Pascual, Elsa Bois, Tatiana Giménez, Claudia Cantero, Mara Bestelli, Valeria Lois, Francisco Lumerman, Jonathan Da Rosa, César Bordón, Edgardo Castro which made History of Fear (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

History of Fear (2014)

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