Movies Detail of Just friendship (2017)
✓ Title : Just friendship
✓ Original Title : Po prostu przyjaźń
✓ Release Date : January 6th, 2017
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 126 minutes
✓ Director : Filip Zylber
✓ Writer : Karolina Szablewska
✓ Companies : Agora Films, Canal+ Polska, TVN
✓ Country : Poland
✓ Cast : Agnieszka Więdłocha, Krzysztof Stelmaszyk, Maciej Zakościelny, Aleksandra Domańska, Marcin Perchuć, Magdalena Różczka, Piotr Stramowski, Bartłomiej Topa
✓ Original Title : Po prostu przyjaźń
✓ Release Date : January 6th, 2017
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 126 minutes
✓ Director : Filip Zylber
✓ Writer : Karolina Szablewska
✓ Companies : Agora Films, Canal+ Polska, TVN
✓ Country : Poland
✓ Cast : Agnieszka Więdłocha, Krzysztof Stelmaszyk, Maciej Zakościelny, Aleksandra Domańska, Marcin Perchuć, Magdalena Różczka, Piotr Stramowski, Bartłomiej Topa
Synopsis of Just friendship (2017)
A multi-layered, touching comedy about a group of friends whose relationships - in the face of life adversities - are exposed to more than one test. Filip (Kamil Kula) risks his face and career for the whim of a crazy collector of Jadźka buttons (Aleksandra Domańska). The sedate professor (Krzysztof Stelmaszyk) refuses his friend's indecent request (Przemysław Bluszcz), but he secretly kidnaps himself in a virtually reckless way. Meanwhile, a close-knit group of friends (Agnieszka Więdłocha, Aleksandra Domańska, Maciej Zakościelny, Piotr Stramowski, and Marcin Perchuć) go to the mountains every year. There they discover a mystery that will change their lives forever. What will they choose? Loyalty or money? Friendship or love? Truth or lie? Own or other luck? Every choice for the heroes of the comedy "Just friendship" means trouble. Who will help them? We know: friends. Because friendship, like no other investment, always pays off.
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Well, Just friendship (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Just friendship (2017) itselft directed by Filip Zylber and Starring by Agnieszka Więdłocha, Krzysztof Stelmaszyk, Maciej Zakościelny, Aleksandra Domańska, Marcin Perchuć, Magdalena Różczka, Piotr Stramowski, Bartłomiej Topa which made Just friendship (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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