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Gratis [Lina from Lima] 2019 Completos [Film Complet]

Movies Detail of Lina from Lima (2019)

✓ Title : Lina from Lima
✓ Original Title : Lina de Lima
✓ Release Date : September 5th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 83 minutes
✓ Directors : María Paz González, Sebastián Castillo, Pelayo Lira, María José Concha, Rodrigo Hidalgo
✓ Writers : Magaly Solier, Miguel Machalski, María Paz González, María Paz González, José Manuel Gatica, Cali Flores
✓ Companies : Gema Films, Carapulkra, Quijote Films
✓ Countries : Argentina, Chile, Peru
✓ Cast : Magaly Solier, Sebastián Brahm, Herode Joseph, Cecilia Cartasegna, Edgardo Castro, Emilia Ossandón, Alberto Tenorio, Javiera Contador, Betty Villalta

Synopsis of Lina from Lima (2019)

It’s Christmas season. Ten years have passed since Lina traveled to Chile to work as a domestic worker away from her son who lives with her grandmother in Peru. Manuel, a former employer, ask her to supervise the construction of a swimming pool for his daughter Clara in his new house. In this half-inhabited space, Lina spends the day taking care of Clara, while at night, she has furtive sexual encounters with strangers that confront her with her deep solitude.

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Well, Lina from Lima (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Lina from Lima (2019) itselft directed by María Paz González, Sebastián Castillo, Pelayo Lira, María José Concha, Rodrigo Hidalgo and Starring by Magaly Solier, Sebastián Brahm, Herode Joseph, Cecilia Cartasegna, Edgardo Castro, Emilia Ossandón, Alberto Tenorio, Javiera Contador, Betty Villalta which made Lina from Lima (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Lina from Lima (2019)

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