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About 12 2015 Film complet putlockers

Movies Detail of About 12 (2015)

✓ Title : About 12
✓ Original Title : Juana a los 12
✓ Release Date : December 11th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 75 minutes
✓ Director : Martín Shanly
✓ Writer : Martín Shanly
✓ Companies : 2mCine, Nabis Filmgroup, Universidad del Cine
✓ Countries : Argentina, Austria
✓ Cast : Kristy Green, Sofía Brockenshire, Rosario Shanly, Graciela Muñiz, Connie Dougall, María Passo, Javier Burin Heras, Camila Dougall, Barbara Perkins, Mirta Bogdasarian

Synopsis of About 12 (2015)

Twelve year old Juana goes to a British school in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, where she fails both socially and academically. A week away from the exams that will determine her future in the institution, she is surrounded by the same routine; going to class and trying to pull her social life back together, with useless attempts in between. Juana goes through these strange days apparently feeling indifferent towards the situation.

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Well, About 12 (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The About 12 (2015) itselft directed by Martín Shanly and Starring by Kristy Green, Sofía Brockenshire, Rosario Shanly, Graciela Muñiz, Connie Dougall, María Passo, Javier Burin Heras, Camila Dougall, Barbara Perkins, Mirta Bogdasarian which made About 12 (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

About 12 (2015)

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